4 Crazy Things You Must Do To Lose Weight

Posted on: 04 November, 2005

Author: adrian bryant

1. Start Eating a Lot More!That’s right, you read it correctly…YOU MUST EAT MORE—A whole lot more than you’re eating right now. You have to eat 5-7 meals a day to fire up your metabolism to lose weigh... Your body needs a constant supply of energy to burn fat, and if you don’t eat a meal every two or three hours…Your metabolism will become so slow that you’ll gain weight just by looking at food. The sooner you start eating more…the sooner you’ll be able to eat the foods you like without worrying about gaining weight. Now...

Tension Headache, Fioricet and Butalbital

Posted on: 29 October, 2005

Author: David Altfeder

Millions of Americans suffer from Tension Headache. This article describes tension headaches, a variety of treatments, and advises patients who elect to take Fioricet or butalbital to treat their headache. Tension headache, also called “muscle contraction headache” or “stress headache” is a condition involving pain in the head, neck or scalp. It is typically a dull, achy feeling on both sides of the head, often associated with tightness of the muscles in the affected area. Tension headaches usually start in the middle of the day, typically building slowly and gradually. They can become quite severe, even more painful than a...

Strength Training Develops Solid Softball Players

Posted on: 27 October, 2005

Author: Lynn VanDyke

Lynn VanDyke delivers a strength training article for any athlete, but specifically geared towards softball and baseball players. It provides general guidelines and sample exercises for sport specific situations. Many do not realize that basic softball movements such as batting and throwing are not a directly related to arm strength. The movement begins in the legs. The power is then transferred into the hips, the torso, the upper back, the chest, the shoulders and then the arms. A proper softball strength training routine will include an exercise for each muscle group. During the off-season, athletes will be able to strength...

Stressed Out? Try These Relaxation Techniques

Posted on: 22 October, 2005

Author: Wendy Owen

There are three main types of relaxation techniques you can practice when you feel upset and stressed out. If you practice them regularly, they will become part of your lifestyle and you may find yourself habitually more relaxed as a result. This article contains a breathing relaxation technique and an autogenic relaxation technique. Part 2 will have a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) exercise to release negative thoughts and situations and a progressive muscle relaxation technique too. Because of the mind/body connection, exercises to relax the body will also flow through to the mind. A lot of the stress we feel...

Recognizing Acute Stress

Posted on: 13 October, 2005

For those who are familiar with stress, there is a distinct difference between regular stress and acute stress. While regular stress is a part of daily life in the hectic world of today, acute stress is an altogether different animal. While stress is certainly a problem, considering that it can cause a weakening of the immune system, problems with memory, an inability to concentrate, and coronary disease, acute stress is something else. In fact, acute stress can actually cause a complete mental and physical breakdown. Acute stress is caused by the most severe circumstances. It is often the result of...

Top Ten Excuse-busters for taking Exercise

Posted on: 29 September, 2005

Do you come out with a lot of excuses when it's time to get moving? Are you always putting off going to the gym until tomorrow? Do you really want to exercise but somehow never get around to it? Here are 10 ways to blast right through those excuses. 1. Exercise is boring Not all exercise is created equal. You don't have to get fit by spending hours on soul-less machines down at the gym. Somewhere out there is an activity you'll love and it's just a case of looking around until you find it. Is there something you loved...

Exercise Bikes - Recumbent or Stationary?

Posted on: 25 September, 2005

Author: Andre Best

Exercise Bikes - today one can pick from recumbent or stationary exercise bikes. To make the best choice learn what features a good bike should have. Exercise bikes are a wonderful way to get a low-impact exercise workout. Of course today's bikes like those from Sportsart, Tunturi, Nordictrack, Schwinn, and Pro Form are a far cry from the bikes offered many years ago. You know the ones - the lightweight plastic flywheel, the tiny seat, and no statistical monitoring whatsoever. Well, as you probably know today's exercise bike offers a stationary bike rider so much more. Now a person has...

How to Increase Your Bench Press by Doing Squats

Posted on: 06 September, 2005

Author: Marc David

My Legs Are Already Big Enough.  I Keep Hearing Working Legs Is A MUST.  Why Is That So Important?  How can doing squats increase my bench press? My Legs Are Already Big Enough.  I Keep Hearing Working Legs Is A MUST.  Why Is That So Important? Believe me… I hated leg workouts.  Until I realize the true potential that a simple set of squats could unleash.  Frankly… I see the same people on the leg press machine, leg extensions, doing lunges and doing squats week after week.  But for every other muscle group, it’s like a new day.  There’s the...

Whey Protein - Nature's Amazing Muscle Builder

Posted on: 05 August, 2005

Author: Hamoon Arbabi

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects?If you are interested in better health and improved physical fitness you have surely heard that bodybuilders and other athletes are turning to a simple, natural supplement called whey protein. WHY DO ATHLETES USE WHEY PROTEIN? Protein levels are depleted through exercise. Muscles require amino acids to prevent deterioration, give endurance and build mass. Proteins supply these amino acids to the muscles which is why athletes use whey protein. WHAT IS WHEY...

The Role Of Whey Protein In Achieving Significant Muscle Gain

Posted on: 05 August, 2005

Author: Hamoon Arbabi

Most bodybuilders would agree that supplementing with whey protein is an important element in achieving serious muscle gains. This article will examine the facts relating to whey protein as a supplement and help you decide whether you need to follow this particular strategy. Whey protein is produced during the process that sees milk turned into cheese. It is also found naturally in dairy products, eggs, soy and vegetable proteins but none of these compares in quality to whey protein powder. It also scores highly in providing the branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) that are important in the building and retention...